Citizen Charter
The Department of Institutional Finance and Credit Control, Haryana is working with its headquarters at Chandigarh in SCO No. 70-71, Sector 8-C, Top floor, Chandigarh. There are no field offices. In all the districts, Additional Deputy Commissioners are designated as Joint Director, Institutional Finance and Credit Control, Haryana, as per orders of the State Govt.
This department is mainly acting as Coordinator between State Govt. Departments and Financial Institutions also have no public dealings and no schemes are being implemented. The role of this department is peculiar to other departments and also has no such welfare measures schemes which can be shown in the Citizen Charter.
Keeping in view, the Department of Institutional Finance & Credit Control was set up vide Haryana Govt. Notification No. 21/3/85-IF(I) dated 12th February 1985and following functions were assigned to this department:-
- Arrangement for and promotion of flow of Institutional credit from bank & credit institutions including international credit organization for government and semi-government agencies, public sector undertaking and cooperative agencies, and its monitoring.
- Introduction of control mechanisms for better utilization of funds available with the government of semi-government agencies, public sector undertakings, and other cooperative agencies.
- Aid and Advice to government departments and government/ semi-government agencies, public sector undertakings, and other cooperative agencies in finalization of bank scheme.
- Provision of consultancy facilities to the government department and the aforesaid agencies.
- Coordinator of banking activities and sectoral allocation of credit in the State for the implementation of development projects.
- Establishment matters relating to officers and staff under the administrative control of the department except matters allotted to the General Administration Department.
- Any other matter connected with institutional finance and credit control.
In view of the role of coordinator between banks and financial institutions on the one hand and State Govt. Departments/ Agencies implementing development & Govt. Sponsored Schemes along with the general public constituting the beneficiaries under these schemes, the department can be approached by these regarding any problem being faced in the smooth implementation of the schemes and obtaining the required finance from the financial institutions including banks. In order to provide necessary institutional finance to the needy borrowers under these schemes, an Annual Credit Plan is formulated at district levels jointly by the banks and financial institutions and the line departments under the overall guidance of Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-Joint Director, IF&CC Deptt. with active guidance and agencies from the Lead District Manager of the district. The aggregate of these District Credit Plans constitute the Annual Credit Plan for the State as a whole.
The implementation of the ACP has monitored closely monthly meetings at Block Level by the BLBC, Standing Committee meeting at district level on monthly basis and thereafter in the District Consultative Committee meetings on a quarterly basis. These meetings are attended by Senior Executives of the concerned banks and financial institutions and also District Level Officers of the line departments. These meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioners concerned. Local problems are discussed and resolved. Issues pertaining to policy decisions are taken up by State Level Bankers’ Committee meeting during its quarterly meetings which are attended by Heads of Departments of line departments/ agencies along with Controlling Heads of banks and financial institutions. Secretary Incharge along with the Director of IF&CC also participate in these meetings.
However, for the general public, stray cases relating to problems faced by them in getting the necessary finance are also entertained by the department. The public can approach this department in person also for guidance/ resolving of their problems. At the district level, the general public can approach ADC who is also the Joint Director of IF&CC or Lead District Manager for guidance and resolving their misc. problems relating to obtaining institution finance.